Bimini Bahamas seaplane and 3 night stay at Hilton

Trip Cancelled

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States
Bimini, Badakhshan, Afghanistan
From Jul 9, 2021 to Jul 12, 2021 (Flexible)

Trip Details

Hey everyone, I found a great deal for a seaplane and a three night stay at Hilton hotel at Bimini Bahamas, but it requires at least two people. There are a few dates I am flexible with this July, so I am looking for a girl that is willing to share an airplane and a room. I will need this weekend just to rewind, spend it on fun excursions and drinks by the pool. Message me if anyone is interested and willing to come along! 

Meetup Point

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Trip created by Dora
From Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States ; 28 Years Old

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