Laure Meyers

Laure Meyers is a full-time solo traveler from Belgium who has been exploring various countries in Asia for the past year. Currently, she is in Bangladesh, soaking up the local culture and discovering the hidden gems of this beautiful country. As the author of Laure Wanders, a popular travel and adventure blog for women traveling alone, Laure shares her experiences and tips with other travelers who want to get off the beaten path and visit unusual places. Her blog is a great place to look for ideas and practical advice about traveling alone in strange places. Leaving behind a typical 9-5 job to pursue her passion for travel, Laure's courage and determination to explore non-touristy and unusual destinations are truly inspiring. Her love of traveling alone and climbing has taken her on many adventures that have given her a unique view of the world that few others have had. As an introvert, Laure's journey serves as a testament to the power of self-discovery and staying true to oneself. Her ability to find happiness and fulfillment in exploring new places on her own terms will undoubtedly inspire readers who may have felt like solo travel was not for them. If you're looking to break out of your comfort zone and pursue your own passions, Laure's story is the perfect place to start. Take a page from her book and discover the joy and freedom that come with exploring the world on your own terms.


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