Candy and Crystal

Candy and Crystal, two sisters who are passionate about travel and fashion, started The Travel Pockets as a travel and lifestyle blog. They believe everyone needs a break from their routine no matter how busy their lives are. Candy didn't get the chance to leave Japan much while she was younger, so soon after she finished college, she started traveling. She had the chance to live in places like Norway, Singapore, Hong Kong, and now Los Angeles thanks to her job. Candy honestly couldn't choose a favorite among the cities because each one is so different, and she particularly loved watching the distinctive attire in each location. Crystal always wanted to work as a video editor ever since taking a video arts class in high school. She is really passionate about sharing her travel experiences and encouraging people to embark on their own adventures and learn about various cultures. Crystal and her dog Kuma the corgi, have a special bond. She really believes she is half-human since she is one of the brightest dogs she has ever had. She is both her dearest friend and her tiny baby. She wishes she could bring her everywhere she went, but they can only go on road trips together.


GAFFL's mission is to make travel easier and more affordable for everyone. Our travel blog is expertly curated by experienced writers from all over the world who are constantly adventuring and sharing their knowledge to make it easier for you to do the same. Our website/app helps travelers from over 190 countries in finding a travel buddy. Whether you're backpacking in Asia, road tripping in Australia, or exploring national parks in the United States, you can find a travel buddy on GAFFL, plan trips, split costs, and travel together.